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Mel Chambers at work

Welcome to Alchemy Tiles

Hand carved from the heart... 

Welcome the new website for Alchemy Tiles! I'm really excited to be sharing my work with you and hope you find something inspiring among these pages. As my work has developed over the last 8 years it has reached a point where Alchemy Tiles needed its own space and the new website is designed not only to showcase my work but also to make it easier for online purchases as we move into a highly digital age.

As all bar two of my shows were cancelled this year and as more and more people are now buying online due to COVID, it made sense to upgrade and make the experience more user friendly. I am still getting used to the new platform so please bear with me and if you have any feedback I'd be genuinely grateful for it.

As much as the new website is a great show case, images of my work still don't do them justice and seeing them in the flesh is always so much better. Their vibrancy and tactile draw, is what brings them to life and if you ever want to visit my Studio in Mawnan Smith you are always welcome to make an appointment to see the alchemy first hand.

This year has indeed been a roller coaster of events and emotions and as each of us has tried to find our own meaning and way through it, I personally have used the time to develop my work even further. With new colours, designs, inspiring words and getting to grips with a digital age it has been no small task to keep this ancient technique alive.

So please enjoy these pages and thank you for supporting my work.

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